

Calendar of Events

Dates are confirmed. 30th September to 3rd October 2011


  • Collaborationau 2011

A wide range of craftspeople / artists, coming together to learn, share, help, assist, abet, aid, back, bail out, benefit, boost, collaborate, cooperate, do for, expedite, facilitate, further, give a boost, give a leg up, give a lift, go down the line for, go for, go to bat for, go with, grease the wheels, lend a hand, make a pitch for, open doors, plug*, puff, push*, put on the map, reinforce, relieve, ride shotgun, root for, run interference for, serve, stand up for, stump, support, sustain, take care of, thump, work for, work with, be in cahoots, co-act, co function, collude, come together, concert, concur, conspire, cooperate, coproduce, do business with, get together, glue oneself to, go partners, hook on, hook up, interface, join forces, join together, join up with, participate, team up, throw in together, throw in with, tie in, work with to achieve, accomplish, acquire, actualize, attain, bring about, bring off, bring to pass, cap, carry out, carry through, close, complete, conclude, consummate, deliver, discharge, dispatch, do, earn, earn wings, effect, effectuate, enact, end, execute, finish, follow through, fulfil, gain, get, get done, manage, negotiate, obtain, perfect, perform, procure, produce, rack up, reach, realize, resolve, score, seal, see through, settle, sign, solve, win, wind up, work out pieces of art /craft.